Make better decisons for your storefront.

Are you stuck on what levers to pull when it comes to growing your digital storefront?

Let us take out the guess work and help you to narrow down and focus on what needs to happen to increase conversions and customer satisfaction through our tried-and-testing Merchant Performance Audit.

This audit includes:

  • A front end analysis of your site to determine what areas can be optimise for speed. Make your store as fast as possible!
  • A detailed breakdown of your home, PDP, CLP and cart page; following 15 years of on-hands experience to optimise and reduce friction points for your customers More conversions
  • A deep dive into your current analytics and tracking setup. Are all your events being traced properly? has your Google Analytics account been setup correctly?
  • A breakdown of the current metrics for benchmarking to ensure that you're keeping an eye on the right targets for growth. Forecast properly in realtime
  • Look and feel improvements to ensure that your store not only looks good but is also On brand and appealing to your ideal customers

We have helped brands achieve a whopping 5x on their investment

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Todd has serious attention to detail when it comes to what is REALLY needed on a website for it to run efficiently and convert.

Thanks so much for the assistance! Look forward to seeking more guidance from you in the future.


Understand your gaps and what needs to be done to make better decisions in realtime.

Todd and his team were fantastic. They were prompt, thorough and professional - making sure to really understand what I needed, and then executing. Will certainly be using Subtle Digital again in the future.


Still not sure?

Not sure that we can help?

With over 15 years experience in digital we have helped over 100+ clients to optimise and scale their brand through a detailed analysis of their current storefront and what needs to be done to move the needle in the right direction.

if you're still not sure, or have any questions; please get in contact with me

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If you have any questions check out our FAQ

What is it going to cost me?

A fraction of what you’re going to be making!

To recap, you'll receive actionable insights to move the needle forward from a 15+ year eCommerce expert:

  • What areas to optimise for speed. Make your store as fast as possible!
  • Removing friction points for your customers through optimising your user experience. More conversions
  • Overall look and feel improvements On brand and appealing to your ideal customers
  • Detailed 60 minute video break down of your site focusing on the above areas.
  • Detailed 10 page report outlining a breakdown of above areas focusing on suggestions to improve

All the above, delivered to you in two days.

$3,500 AUD. That’s all. Nothing more to pay.


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If you have any questions check out our FAQ